
就是那麼老梗, Glenn Medeiros 的 "Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You"

這一兩天突然想起高中時代很喜愛的歌手 Glenn Medeiros. 他的成名曲 "Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You" 就算是七年級生, 應該也是耳熟能詳,不過恐怕不知道是誰唱的就是. Glenn Medeiros 之年代久遠, 從Wikipedia 上面他的資料之少就可以了解, 他離現在的網路世代是多麼的遙遠, 以至於大家對於補上他的資料興趣缺缺.

Medeiros 是個葡萄牙裔的美國夏威夷人, 印象中出1999年出了第五張專輯就沒再出過唱片. 但是輕柔的曲風, 芭樂的歌詞可是風靡了當時所有的人. 雖然Medeiros 1987年首次翻唱George Benson的Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You當年曾獲得英法德三國流行歌曲排行榜第一名, 不過除了這首經典之外, 專輯中其他的歌曲亦不乏佳作. Me Minus U Equals Blue 是我很喜歡的一首.

不過Youtube 上面找不到這首歌的 MTV, 不過我還是附上能找到的兩首歌曲, 讓五六年級生回味一下Glenn Medeiros 經典的浪漫名曲.想聽他其他歌曲的朋友就自己用Emule抓(保證有得抓)或者到這邊聽聽歌曲的片段吧! ^^

Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You

Long and Lasting Love

最後是 Me Minus U Equals Blue Lyric 的歌詞

With all my heart, I pledge my love forever
You've got my word, you and I will always be together
There maybe times, we have a disagreement
This love's too strong, to ever let it come between us

I would, I would keep this love alive Oh baby
I would, I would be cause otherwise

Me minus u equals blue
Can't imagine what I ever do
If it'd ever came to
Me minus u equals blue
I can't stand the thought I've lost so far
Like so many hearts being in the dark
It'll never be me minus u

Each day I learn, a little more about you
Then I know for sure, that I'd never wanna be without you
With all the stage of truth of this relation
Me without your love is such a sad equation baby

I would, I would keep this love alive Oh baby
I would, I would be cause otherwise

Me minus u equals blue
Can't imagine what I ever do
If it'd ever came to
Me minus u equals blue
I can't stand the thought I've lost so far
Like so many hearts being in the dark
It'll never be…

What we got can't get much better
I would never change a thing
Baby we're so good together
Then I'll never, never ever want it to be me

Me minus u equals blue
Me minus u equals blue
Can't imagine what I ever do
If it'd ever came to
Me minus u equals blue
I can't stand the thought I've lost so far
I want you in my life
I can't be without your love

Me minus u equals blue
Can't imagine what I ever do
If it'd ever came to
Me minus u equals blue
I can't stand the thought I've lost so far
I need you here with me

14 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

請問您有這首歌Me Minus U Equals Blue的mp3嗎?是否可以拜託您email(minnie076@yahoo.com.tw)給我呢?找了好幾年了啊...嗚嗚~

Unknown 提到...


冬眠的腦 提到...

親愛的 minnie, 家中網路上傳有點問題 這兩天再給您寄過去~ 

匿名 提到...

我也想要Glenn Medeiros me-u=blue 這首歌的mp3 謝謝您 我的email: jenjeilin@yahoo.com.tw

冬眠的腦 提到...


冬眠的腦 提到...

今天已經寄過去了哦! ^^不好意思拖了那麼久~ 收到請上來留個言回覆一下~

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...

Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You 的MP3您可以傳給我嗎?

Unknown 提到...

我也想要Glenn Medeiros me-u=blue 這首歌的mp3 , 是請問可否也email 給我呢, 拜託您, 謝謝, kreg2hk@gmail.com

Unknown 提到...

我也想要Glenn Medeiros me-u=blue 這首歌的mp3 如果有可以email給我嗎?謝謝您, 我的email: kreg2hk@gmail.com

匿名 提到...


冬眠的腦 提到...

各位親愛的朋友~ 由於某些原因現在可能不太方便直接提供檔案給各位, 請各位自行下載EMULE或者EDONKEY然後用歌名或者人名去搜尋,一定找得到的...

edonkey下載網頁 http://www.softking.com.tw/soft/clickcount.asp?fid3=14706
