
Wuthering Heights 咆嘯山莊- Kate Bush & Hayley Westenra

咆嘯山莊, 英國作家艾蜜莉.勃朗特 Emily Brontë 所撰寫的小說. 相信喜愛看世界名著的朋友一定看過. 這是部充滿了矛盾, 偏激愛情的小說. 談到這種充滿佔有欲, 粗暴的愛情, 讓我想起了一部日劇 Last Friends, 劇情也一樣讓人深陷其中, 感受到愛,恐懼和焦慮 大家如果不想看咆嘯山莊的電影版或者咬文嚼字的小說, 也可以去看一下日劇Last Friends體驗.(還是要培養一點文學氣息啦!)

為什麼冬腦會提到咆嘯山莊這本世界十大名著之一的鉅作呢?之前海莉 Hayley Westenra 在高雄世運演唱月亮代表我的心, 令人驚艷. 聽完以後馬上上youtube搜尋海莉的歌曲, 卻意外地發現了他曾現場唱了首歌名很熟悉的歌曲. 此曲聽起來難度非常高, 且曲風很是特別聽起來頗有鬼魅之風. 查了一下才發現原來這首名為咆嘯山莊的歌曲, 是真的跟小說咆嘯山莊有關連的. 此曲是 Kate Bush 在1978年出版, 取材自同名小說的歌曲, 在當時因為曲風特別加上需要超高難度的技巧才有辦法演唱, 因此受到非常高的關注.
現在就讓我們來比較一下 Kate Bush 和 Hayley Westenra 兩人相隔三十年所演唱的版本, 看看誰的演繹讓你比較有fu了哦!

Wuthering Heights lyrics
Out on the wiley, windy moors
We'd roll and fall in green
You had a temper, like my jealousy
Too hot, too greedy
How could you leave me?
When I needed to possess you?
I hated you, I loved you too
Bad dreams in the night
They told me I was going to lose the fight
Leave behind my wuthering, wuthering
Wuthering Heights
(Chorus) Heathcliff, its me, Cathy come home
I'm so cold, let me in-a-your window
Oh it gets dark, it gets lonely
On the other side from you
I pine alot, I find the lot
Falls through without you
I'm coming back love, cruel Heathcliff
My one dream, my only master
Too long I roam in the night
I'm coming back to his side to put it right
I'm coming home to wuthering, wuthering,
Wuthering Heights
Oh let me have it, let me grab your soul away
Oh let me have it, let me grab your soul away
You know it's me, Cathy

海莉的聲音還真是好聽啊!不過我還是覺得這首歌, Kate Bush 唱起來比較有感覺. 不知道各位覺得如何呢?

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

yes, totally agreed with you....especially when i am older..